
/ ˈɒp yə ləns /

1. wealth, riches, or affluence.
2. abundance, as of resources or goods; plenty.
3. the state of being opulent.
⚜️Opulence is a fanzine created to explore the members of BTS in opulent and luxurious settings of any kind. This zine will be a collection of beautiful artworks, pieces of writing, and merchandise featuring the seven members of BTS.⚜️


This zine will have four sections: Theseus, Midas, Achilles and Icarus.Each section has a distinct theme related to opulence and luxury, and can be explored more visually on our Pinterest.Theseus — Rising from Nothing
This section will look at the struggle to reach the top despite starting from the bottom. It will have a focus on humble beginnings, drive, ambition, desire, and passion.
Midas — Living in the Lap of Luxury
This section will focus on the luxurious, hedonistic side of opulence: a look at high society and life without consequence where indulgence and self-servitude is the norm.
Achilles — The Perils of Success
This section will explore the insanity and paranoia associated with the desire to remain at one's peak – success as the cause of one's downfall, and an exploration of the true cost of lavishness.
Icarus — The Fall from Grace
This section will encompass the loss of opulence, and the removal of that mirage of endless wealth and indulgence. The consequences of overindulgence and subsequent devastation.


SFW Zine
2 Writers per section (8 total), 4 Artists per section (16 total), and 3 Merch Artists:
29 Contributors in total
NSFW Side Zine
1 Writer per section (4 total) and 2 Artists per section (8 total):
12 Contributors in total
Guest Creators
1 SFW Guest Writer, 2 SFW Guest Artists, 1 NSFW Guest Writer, 2 NSFW Guest Artists, and 1 SFW Guest Merch Artist:
7 Guests in total


Role: Organization, Writing, Layout, Production, Finance, Shipping, CarrdExperience:
- soop: a bts comfort zine (production, shipping)
- let me love you: a jikook zine (solo)
- Frisson: BTS Rock Zine (shipping)

Role: Art, GraphicsExperience:
- 4 zines (page artist)

Role: WritingExperience:
- Highlights: Taekook Anthology (writing mod)
- Frisson: BTS Rock Zine (writer)
- Opulence: BTS Zine (writer)

Role: Graphics, Social MediaExperience:
- Frisson: BTS Rock Zine (head mod)
- COUTURE (server mod)
- 20+ zines (page artist)
- 5 zines (merch artist)



✨ One physical zine
✨ One digital zine
✨ Two art prints
✨ Two die-cut stickers
✨ One shaker charm
✨ One hard enamel pin
⚜️Are physical items still available?
We have a limited number of physical goods remaining! Please contact us via email and let us know what you’re interested in.
⚜️Are digital zines still available?
In an effort to archive fandom works, we're sharing the wealth and releasing the digital zine for free! Click the buttons below to download a copy of the zine.